An Islandwide attraction, the yearly Christmas display in Edgartown seems to appear overnight, but there’s a method to the magic. Instead of elves,...

The smallest town on the Vineyard may soon get a bit smaller. Chilmark and Aquinnah are considering changing a shared boundary line for the first...

The longstanding issue of whether to build a connector road will come before Tisbury voters again at a special town meeting next week, this time in...

They are called guinea pigs, seven promising middle school students in Edgartown who are testing the proposition that learning algebra early will let...

The Island Cup rivalry between Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket includes blowout wins and hard-fought losses. On Saturday the Vineyarders made history...

The long-term viability and environmental sustainability of a public-private improvement project proposed for Squibnocket Beach were subjects for...
