Twenty-four thousand pounds of concrete hovered over the Dutcher Dock in Menemsha harbor on Wednesday morning, a bright January sun shining through...

With a worsening early flu outbreak across the country causing a run on vaccines on the Island, the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and Island boards of...

As the Massachusetts Department of Public Health scrambles to write regulations for the medical marijuana law that went into effect Jan. 1, towns are...

Since 1843, the Old Whaling Church, with its familiar white exterior, six grand columns and regal clock tower, has stood watch over Edgartown’s Main...

For Ilikea Scott, a nursing program on Martha’s Vineyard could mean a way to live and work on an Island she loves without the 4:30 a.m. wake-up calls...

The Edgartown lighthouse, having outlived its mission as a beacon for ships, is on the verge of its next chapter as a town-owned landmark. Edgartown...
