In an attempt to raise more revenue, Dukes County commissioners voted this week to support a state bill spearheaded by Norfolk county that would...

Shared use of a fingerprinting machine sparked discussion among the Aquinnah selectmen this week about the terms of a contract between the town and...

A Vineyard Haven man charged with indecent assault and battery on a child has been placed on pretrial probation for the charges. Daniel Parker, 59,...

Copper repoussè artist Anthony Holand of the Tuck & Holand Metal Sculptors has been featured in Boston Home magazine’s Best of Boston Home,...

At the Gannon and Benjamin Marine Railway in Vineyard Haven, shipwrights have stepped back in regional maritime history. They are building a new 28-...

The Vineyard girls’ hockey team continued a solid showing in league play this week, picking up two wins to move to a 5-3 record. They are 4-2 in the...
