The Martha’s Vineyard Commission has approved a plan to expand the Sepiessa Affordable Housing development in West Tisbury. The application from the...

More classroom space is just one of the primary needs.

Architects presented five design options for renovation and expansion of the Tisbury School this week, ranging from $43 million to $45 million.

The Edgartown zoning board of appeals Wednesday upheld a cease and desist order prohibiting helicopter landing at the Boch home in Katama. While an...

The Edgartown selectmen are ready for Take Two in trying to find a buyer for the Warren House. The town purchased the circa-1690 North Water street...

West Tisbury selectmen this week approved a new tax rate and discussed whether to intervene in the sale of a prime lot at an old farm. At a public...

For the second year in a row, Richard Carlson of Oak Bluffs has been named Top Gun at the Rod and Gun Club’s annual Fall Shoot, held Sunday, Nov. 25...
