Aleeya Arrives Krya Jenkins and Rico Holley of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a daughter, Aleeya Marie Holley, born on May 5, 2009, at the...
Welcome Nicholas Lillian M.A. Silva and Flavio daSilva of Edgartown announced the birth of a son, Nicholas Arreco Silva, born April 5 at the...
Jim and Ann Litwinowich of Holden announce the marriage of their daughter, Katie Litwinowich, to Stephen Meinelt, son of Terry and Kathy Meinelt of...
Kathleen Baldwin and Scott Giles were married Jan. 17 at All Saints Chapel, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla. The bride is the daughter of...
Carol Jack and Alexander Wilson Nagi were married at Makonikey in West Tisbury on July 12, 2008. The bride is the daughter of Carol and Hugh...
Marcela Roa Wandurraga and Christopher P. Habekost were married at their home in Edgartown on Feb. 7, 2009, by justice of the peace John Alley....