The Martha’s Vineyard Museum has named Dr. Keith Gorman, the museum’s director of programs and archivist and librarian, to the new position of...

Receives Degree Brittany Andelin-Baker of Edgartown earned her associate degree in culinary arts from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde...

A brief but acrimonious legal battle over a fence around an auto repair shop on Worcester avenue ended last month when the town of Oak Bluffs...

Free horseback riding, kayaking, ice skating, swimming lessons, African dance classes and tennis lessons. That would sound good to a lot of people...

The town of Chilmark has a birthday today, but it will pass quietly with no fanfare. Thirteen years ago, when the town marked its tricentennial, it...

In a return to form of sorts, Oak Bluffs selectmen on Tuesday clashed over what seemed like a relatively harmless plan to allow principal assessor...
