With Covid-19 case rates on the wane and vaccination rates waxing strongly, Gov. Charlie Baker this week eased the state mask mandate and laid out...

Health agents reported 61 new cases of Covid-19 during the past week and nine cases on Sunday, marking a slight decline as the floodgates opened on...

The completely remodeled Up-Island Cronig’s officially reopened to the public Monday — 13 months and 13 days after its abrupt closure.

By the year 2070, salt marshes on Martha’s Vineyard are expected to decrease by nearly 200 acres as sea levels rise, forcing shorelines and...

In 1983 Ndume Olatushani was convicted of murder and sentenced to death in Memphis, Tenn. — a city in which he had never set foot, for a crime he did...

Sean Murphy, the well-known Island attorney and Edgartown town meeting moderator, died Friday night after battling cancer. His death was confirmed...


News Briefs

An author signing and dog pawing take place Friday when Dan Perdios and his golden retriever Morgan head over to Edgartown Books.

The latest in a string of lawsuits seeking to invalidate the taking by eminent domain of the Yellow House by the town of Edgartown was dismissed...

What’s wrong with this auction from an OK Bridge board? South was dealing with no one vulnerable:
