Finding that concerns from neighbors about traffic flow and road maintenance had been adequately addressed, the MVC closed a public hearing on a...

Aquinnah selectmen are considering outsourcing their assistant assessor position, after hearing a presentation from a Leominster firm at a meeting...

With 46 suspensions on the books so far this school year, some parents are concerned about standards for student discipline at the regional high...

Don Ogilvie and Kristin Zern were reappointed to three-year terms on the airport commission this week.

More concerns occupied Aquinnah selectmen as the Wampanoag tribe clears land for its planned bingo hall.

A 13-ton in-vessel composter will help Island Grown Initiative compost three times as much food waste as it previously could. Getting the composter...


News Briefs

The West Tisbury affordable housing committee is looking for property to develop.

Gabrielle Marie Muzzarelli and Matthew Bave Planell, both of Brooklyn, N.Y., will celebrate their wedding on Saturday, Oct. 19.
