Robert T. (Bob) Morgan, the former Vineyard legislative liaison who was a familiar, ubiquitous presence from Island main streets and waterfronts to...
Charles Thomas Coyle of Wellesley and Oak Bluffs died Jan. 8. He was 84. Mr. Coyle was a World War II veteran, serving in the U.S. Army. He was a...
Jane Dickie Ware died Jan. 1 in the Holbrook Health Center at Piper Shores in Scarborough, Me. She was 88. Jane was born in Kobe, Japan, on Feb...
Aubyn Hayes Barstrom died at home on Jan. 2 with her daughter Aubyn and grandson Kenon at her side. Bobbie, as she was known, was born in London...
Elizabeth Cameron (Cam) Benedict died Dec. 27 in Madison, Wisc., after a long, hard battle with multiple sclerosis. Cam was born Feb. 7, 1955 in...
Ehrick K. Carragan, designer, builder and craftsman, died unexpectedly on the job in Edgartown on Jan. 3. He was 60. He apparently suffered a...
Nathan L. Zutty, chemical industry inventor and senior executive, died Jan. 1 at his longtime home in New Canaan, Conn. He also lived in Oak Bluffs...
Dorothy Katherine Bouzas Stevens died Jan. 5 on the Vineyard. She was born on June 13, 1918 in Boston, one of five children, to Anthony and...