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George Buckley, 90

George E. Buckley Jr. of Vineyard Haven died Feb. 16 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, surrounded by loved ones.

Robert Bourne, 88

Robert Bradford Bourne of Summit, N.J., and New York city, died Oct. 24, 2019, after a short illness.

Daniel Sharkovitz, 68

Daniel E. Sharkovitz, 68, of West Tisbury died on Sunday morning, Feb. 16 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

George Buckley, Jr., 90

George E Buckley Jr., 90, of Vineyard Haven died on Feb. 16.

Rosalie Berberian, 92

Rosalie M. Berberian died on Feb. 8 at home in New Haven, Conn. She was 92.

Earl Peters, 82

Earl Vincent Peters of Oak Bluffs died Feb. 6 at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Kay Leaird, 72

Kay Lane Leaird died Feb. 4 on the Vineyard after battling Parksinon’s and arthritis.

Anne Howes, 82

Ann Mathewson Howes died peacefully on Dec. 26, 2019, at her home in West Tisbury.

Walter Raimon, 85

Walter A. Raimon, a Korean naval veteran, died on Jan. 29 at his home in Edgartown.
