Lone cormorant has West Chop dock to itself. Tim Johnson

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Vineyard's most peaceful and least frantic week of the year is drawing to an end. It's the turning point of winter as spring appears on the horizon. The week’s earlier snow has retreated into puddles, then disappeared.

But ah the quiet villages, the deserted country lanes and byways. Crows caw their urgent messages, chickadees dart about, and mourning doves bob along the ground in their stately way, dressed in formal gray. And this is the one time of year when families can go off-Island with free spirits. The schools were closed this week, and many an Island parent has taken a child or two to northern ski slopes, southern sun, or simply a mainland vacation. Those of us who remain enjoy our reduced numbers, note the closed cafes and coffeehouses, and take a walk on the winter beach by ourselves. Now March is here. Times will be busy again soon enough, soon enough indeed.

Comments (2)

Jessica B. Harris, Charleston SC
Lovely. LOVELY! But not a rose …. A tulip.
March 11, 2023 - 6:50am
Thomas Dresser, oak bluffs
Actually, we elders are savoring the sunny southern clime, appreciating sunrise and sunset as we contemplate where to dine. We missed the March snow on the Vineyard, but enjoyed it vicariously. Congrats on Washed Ashore, Bill, and sign us up for a copy, to be sure. Tom and Joyce Dresser
March 11, 2023 - 7:11am


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