In this year-long serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home after two decades to help her...
Select Art on Show The Martha’s Vineyard Art Association will be showing selected works from their permanent collection. These works can be...
Former Vineyard resident, fine art photographer and educator Michael Zide has been asked to speak for Bogen Imaging at the Photo Plus Expo in New...
School Performance Day The members of performing arts classes at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will be participating in a performance...
British Author Talks Renowned British author Dr. Brian A. Wren will discuss his new book, Advent, Christmas and Epiphany: Liturgies and Prayers...
Basic Computer Course The Oak Bluffs Public Library is offering free, one-on-one computer instruction by appointment. Those wishing to learn how...
Peter R. Boak will present an organ recital at the Federated Church Meetinghouse, on the corner of South Summer street and Davis Lane in Edgartown...
On Friday, Oct. 24, The Hob Knob, located at 128 Main street in Edgartown will host a cocktail reception to introduce a new cultural series called...
Coast Guard Course The United States Coast Guard Captain’s 100-ton masters course is being offered at the Edgartown School over five consecutive...
Harvest Festival Tomorrow is Vineyard Gardens’ annual Harvest Festival, with free crafts, refreshments and information available from 11 a.m. to 3...
David Merrittt
Late October swirls with the supernatural. Dropping temperatures, cheap candy and carved pumpkins all herald the coming of Halloween. Tomorrow,...
EMILY POST: Daughter of the Gilded Age, Mistress of American Manners. By Laura Claridge. Random House, New York, N.Y. October 2008. 544 pages. $30...
