Eisenhauer Gallery’s new show, Island Inspired, showcases artists who work with the Island as their muse, in particular John MacGowan, Eric Abrecht...
WIRED. By Anastasia Suen, illustrated by Paul Carrick. Charlesbridge, $6.95. This book, now out in paperback, is an excellent insight into how...
Kaf Warman, professor in Carnegie Mellon’s School of Drama and associate artistic director of Island Theatre Workshop, will offer her popular adult...
Champion golfer Ernie Els will headline the golf offerings at this year’s Possible Dreams Auction, the charitable fund-raising event that benefits...
Floral Design Workshop Creative Flower Arrangements from Your Garden, a five-week floral design workshop, will be held at Vineyard Haven Public...
The latest film from Julie Taymor, Across the Universe, screens tonight at 8 p.m. at Outerland at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport, continuing the...
Adoption Session Adoption By Choice, a program of Catholic Social Services of Fall River Inc., will hold an information session on Thursday, June...
Habitat to Hold Auction Habitat for Humanity will hold its sixth annual More Than Art auction and dinner on Friday, June 27, at 6 p.m. at the...
Vineyard Haven Band Begins Summer Practice The Vineyard Haven Band has started rehearsing for its 138th season of Sunday evening concerts, which...
Fire Department Benefit An event to benefit the Tisbury Fire Department is set for Sunday, June 22, at 5 p.m. at Shirley’s Hardware on State Road...
Fly-Fishing Class A fly-fishing class for beginning and experienced fishermen will be held Saturday, June 21, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the Martha...
The Belushi Pisano Gallery kicks off its summer season with a group exhibition of works by many Vineyard artists including the gallery’s director,...
