The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive on the Vineyard on Tuesday, August 19, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Portuguese-American Club.
Most everyone knows the Minnesingers can sing and put on a great show. For years they have held concerts that enthrall. But they can bring home the...
The Chicken Alley Art and Collectable Sale is this Sunday, August 17, from 1 to 5 p.m. The sale benefits Martha’s Vineyard Community Services.
Senior pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Ga., Rev. Raphael Warnock will be the guest preacher at the West Tisbury...
On August 20, the Camp Ground will turn into a fantasy land of Victorian gingerbread houses and hundreds of paper lanterns hanging from porches....
For the past 40 years the Martha's Vineyard Ice Arena has been a gathering place for Island families, and a place where rink rats grew into hockey...
Renee Balter, Richard Paradise and the late Dorothy Bangs were honored Monday night for their commitment to preserving the art, history and culture...
For a cuteness fix stop by the animal shelter. Hearts melt on seeing the kittens, the guinea pigs and the sweet Parson Russell terrier now in...
This Sunday, August 17, the guest preacher at Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs is Bishop Robert Christopher Wright from Atlanta, Ga. He is the first...
Despite stormy weather, spirits were high at the Vineyard House Water Tasting, which drew a crowd of over 300 supporters. Vineyard House was founded...
David Melly, 21, of Newton won the Chilmark Road Race with a time of 15:43.31. Sheridan Wilbur, 17, of North Smithfield, R.I., won first place for...
A newly formed Vineyard philanthropy group with a core mission to support Island youth and an innovative funding model will commit $4 million over...
