The Children’s Memorial at the Edgartown Lighthouse was dedicated in 2001, with cobblestones under the lighthouse engraved with the names of children...
A flu clinic is planned at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School on Saturday, Oct. 4, from 9 a.m. to noon. The clinic is open to anyone 6 months...
Just in time for holiday cards, photographer Albert O. Fischer will offer 15-minute portrait sessions benefitting the Chilmark Preschool in September...
The second annual Electric Vehicle Plug In Day with Vineyard Power and Cronig’s Market is planned from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 20
An interfaith service, Meditation on Peace, is planned for World Peace Day on Sunday, Sept. 21, beginning at 4 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church.
A benefit golf tournament for Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard gets underway at 8 a.m. at Mink Meadows on Sunday, Sept. 21.
Reading is alive and well on the Vineyard, librarians agreed this week, as they reviewed circulation numbers that show material lending is trending...
A new eight-week caregivers support group is forming up-Island for those caring for a loved one with a physical illness or dementia.
Tivoli Day, the pedestrian-only street fair that is an annual event in Oak Bluffs for more than three decades, was declared a success this year, well...
More than 200,000 people are expect to converge on Central Park West in New York city on Sunday for the People’s Climate March. At least 22 of them...
The town of West Tisbury’s Community Preservation Committee announced that the deadline for applications for 2015 funding is Sept. 19 at 4:30 p.m.
The Fall Tennis Classic tournament to benefit Martha’s Vineyard Community Tennis (MVCT) will be Friday, Sept. 26, through Sunday, Sept. 28, at the...
