Film Wins Award Crawford, a documentary film by Chilmark summer resident David Modigliani, won the audience award for best documentary at the...
Surfwise is only a surfing film in the same way that its central character Dorian (Doc) Paskowitz is, as he puts it, a “Jewish surfer.” In fact...
Zeb — Schooner Life, a film documentary about the Vineyard’s legendary schooner Captain Zeb Tilton, premieres Thursday, June 26, at 7 p.m. at the...
What happens to the 705 people of tiny Crawford, Tex. when George W. Bush moves to town?
Pangea Day Martha’s Vineyard will be linked to locations as diverse as Cairo, Kigali, London and Rio de Janeiro tomorrow, Saturday, May 10, when...
King Corn is a feature documentary about two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation, and it screens on...
Modern art, commercialism and child development collide in the documentary My Kid Could Paint That, screening this Saturday at the Katharine...
The Vineyard Haven Library begins a new foreign film series on Wednesday, May 7, at 1 p.m. The first movie is Russian, with subtitles for the...
Surfcasters Film The Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 15 at the Chilmark Public Library. They will view the film...
The French comedy-drama Le Heros de la Famille (Family Hero) is this weekend’s offering from the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society, screening Saturday...
Hold That Thought! Cognition and MS is the title of a video screening Sunday, April 6, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Tisbury Senior Center, 34 Pine...
Film Producer Seeks Historic Photographs The producer of the documentary about the legendary Vineyard schooner captain Zeb Tilton is seeking the...
