Animation has come a long way from Walt Disney’s Steamboat Willy, the black and white prototype that later became the world’s most famous mouse....
Zeb: Schooner Life, a documentary produced by Detrick Lawrence Productions of Edgartown, has won the Best of Show Award from the California-based...
Acclaimed director Susanne Bier returns with her most powerful film yet, the Academy Award nominee for best foreign language film, After the...
Left hungry on the street after his mother’s death, on the run from police and stoned on shoemaker’s glue, 13-year-old Emmanuel has meager...
Vicious art as a warm-up for brutal sport? Super Sunday on the Vineyard offered exactly that.
Galen Films will present the Vineyard premiere of their new film Rescuing Emmanuel on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 9 and 10 at the Capawock Theatre on...
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Society is turning to the Island’s artistic community with a competition to design the poster for its 2009 Martha’s...
In Paul Schneider’s 2001 book, The Enduring Shore, there is a photo of Menemsha, courtesy of the Martha’s Vineyard Historical Society, from the...
When the National Science Foundation sent acclaimed film director Werner Herzog to Antarctica to shoot a documentary, they may have been hoping...
The Capawock Theatre in Vineyard Haven introduces a two-part November rock and roll cinema program this weekend with Smashing Pumpkins: If All Goes...
Need more election reflection before Tuesday night’s poll results? On Saturday, Nov. 1, at 7:30 p.m. the film The Election Game — showing the...
Flip Scipio
Talking Guitars, an intimate portrait on film of master guitar craftsman and now Island resident Flip Scipio, will screen tonight, Oct. 10, at 7:30...
