The Martha’s Vineyard Commission opted to continue the public hearing a controversial expansion project at the Harbor View Hotel, asking the hotel to...
The state attorney general’s office has ruled that the Edgartown conservation commission violated the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law.
Covid-19 vaccine doses are in good supply on the Vineyard right now, after a dip in availability that sent many Islanders to the mainland for their...
The Edgartown board of health this week voted to fine and temporarily suspend the license of Maciel & Sons Septic Service.
Overrides, park and rides and expanded warrant size: an altered town meeting season has arrived again on the Vineyard, with delayed capital projects...
West Tisbury selectmen will delay their vote on a new town fire chief for another week, after members of the fire department asked to weigh in on the...
Oak Bluffs selectmen agreed this week to allow the U.S. Coast Guard to continue with lead testing on town property adjacent to the East Chop Light.
The Tisbury select board adopted a formal agreement with the Martha’s Vineyard Museum this week to allow for fundraising and other events on the...
A 31-foot sailing vessel was pulled from the beach at Menemsha and refloated Thursday morning after it had run aground four days earlier.
An Oak Bluffs man was indicted and arraigned on child pornography charges this week in the spring sitting of Dukes County superior court. A Plymouth...
With Covid-19 case rates on the wane and vaccination rates waxing strongly, Gov. Charlie Baker this week eased the state mask mandate and laid out...
Dukes County and the Communication Ambassador Partnership of Martha’s Vineyard are hosting an online public forum to discuss the Covid-19 vaccine on...
