Steamship Authority riders will have their chance to question boat line managers on the proposed budget and fare hikes.
This afternoon's rally at Five Corners begins at 2 p.m. on the final day of registration for the Nov. 3 election.
The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank announced Friday that it had purchased the historic farm on Indian Hill in West Tisbury.
A back-of-the-ballot sleeper question that will decide whether to change the Dukes county treasurer from an elected to appointed position has turned...
Unpermitted trail clearing in the state forest has led to a citation from state environmental officials for violations of the Massachusetts...
As early voting begins at a steady clip across the Island, the race for nine elected seats on the Martha’s Vineyard Commission tops local electoral...
With flu shot supply still limited on the Vineyard, the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital announced on Wednesday that an Islandwide flu clinic would be held...
As town leaders whittle away at their school building project, trimming costs and discussing how best to house students during construction, a new...
Calling it a “bitter pill” to swallow, Steamship Authority governors said Tuesday they would back an operating budget for the coming year that will...
The latest estimated construction cost for the Tisbury School project is now $53.2 million — nearly $5 million lower than the previous estimate.
Martha’s Vineyard likely shattered monthly land sale records in September, as the recent boom in the Island real estate market spiked to a fever...
Early voting for the much-anticipated 2020 presidential election has begun in all six Island towns, with voter registration up across the board.
