The last three 2015 races of the Holmes Hole Sailing Association were held on Thursday, Sept. 3 and Sunday, Sept. 6.
After a 440-mile journey that began in upstate New York in July, an old wooden boat named Majic has found a new home on the Vineyard. The fully...
The annual HHSA race to Chappaquiddick was held on August 30, another picture perfect Sunday. Fourteen boats made the trip.
Nothing is worse than the marine head. Although the bathroom or toilet enclosure is called the head, I am referring to the device with the seat...
With only five races remaining for the official Holmes Hole Sailing Association season, the top spots are still up for grabs. Masquerade, Escape and...
Mariners, the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are updating their charts to account for the light’s...
This might be controversial. I’m going to talk about the behavior of couples on boats, and some readers may find my observations offensive.
The conditions for Holmes Hole sailors reached a Platonic ideal this week. The weather was clear both Thursday and Sunday, with an eight to nine mph...
I never really relax while underway in a sailboat. I’m constantly looking and listening for new sights and sounds.
What price glory? Well, for Holmes Hole sailors it is a reduction of handicap. Woody Bowman’s catboat, Julia Lee, sailed to yet another victory in...
August 2 was a perfect summer Sunday with which to begin the Holmes Hole August series. The morning race was two trips around the harbor on a rising...
I have found that the romance of sailing is often enjoyed before and after the reality of passage making.
