The regional high school sailing team competed in the National Invitational Tournament last weekend, placing eighth of 10 teams. The team gained...
Changes are on deck for the world language program at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School in the coming school year, with a plan to...
Traffic came to a halt in Edgartown Friday afternoon as the Edgartown School took to the streets for their annual Memorial Day march to the sea. At 1...
The High School View won the highest achievement award in scholastic editing and publishing (Class III), according to a press release from faculty...
The West Tisbury School will be hosting a huge rummage sale to raise funds to rebuild the school’s playground on May 31 and June 1.
There’s no such thing as the talk anymore. And the awkward puberty book — that’s gone too. A new sex education pilot program at the West Tisbury...
Regional High School student Isabelle Crawford was named “best in show” in the 2014 Congressional Art Competition. Her photograph of an oak tree in...
In a ceremony Saturday, the regional high school tennis courts were named after the coach for his 23 years of service. Mr. Fennessy retired following...
The Vineyard Montessori School is all about aviation on May 31 and June 1 as it hosts Flyin' MV and, for the grown-ups, a Fly Me to the Moon...
At a talk sponsored by the League of Women Voters, former superintendent Peter Palches and current superintendent Dr. James H. Weiss spoke of the...
After qualifying for the Fritz Mark trophy race in Hyannis last weekend, the Vineyarders thought they had missed the chance to move on to the...
Last week, days before she was to present her senior project presentation and less than a month before the regional high school seniors graduate,...
