How many ways can a person prepare and enjoy summer squash and zucchini? I don’t know the answer but am seriously working on it. Last night I...
The drop in humidity last weekend was a much-needed and welcome change. It made me long for the crisp air of fall.
rose sharon
It’s hard to believe another year has gone by and we are at the Agricultural Fair. This week always seems like the true end to summer — the last...
corn silk
No more Mrs. Nice Guy! I have had it with the voles in my vegetable garden. I have tried several deterrents for the little pests. Nothing has...
Last Saturday night’s rain made me completely happy. It was a serious downpour. Sunday morning was refreshing with all the green world at peace...
I needed to be talked down from the cliff several times this week. Between the vole damage in my vegetable garden and the replacement of dried and...
I pretty much hate summer — fleas, poison ivy, sunburns, mosquitoes, traffic and countless insect pests in the gardens. The worst of all is the...
I’m desperate for rain. I don’t mean a tiny sprinkling or a passing thunderstorm with a five-minute downpour. I need two or three days of a steady...
Everyone in the gardening and landscaping business has been commenting on how weird the season has been. We’ve been talking about the mild winter...
My dogs are sissies! Last week we had those few incredibly hot and humid days. Need I say that those of us who work outside were pretty sour by day...
It’s hard to decide. Am I a very resourceful citizen or simply a reality-show hoarder? I am loath to toss anything that could have a future use. I...
I do my best planning in the middle of the night, since I tend to wake up way too early. I read or schedule my day ahead in my mind. The problem is...
