With five seconds left in the biggest game of his life, with crazed fans screaming at him from every direction and with everything riding on his...

The signs around the high school all point toward a showdown. Like the handwritten message taped to the wall inside the boys' locker room. "10-...

When taken out of context, listening to Gustavo Simoes talk about football can be quite confusing. "I played football all the time as a kid in...

On Wednesday morning, under a warm sun and blue sky, David and Karen Berube were out on Cape Pogue Pond, at it again.

Heading into this year's fall football season, Martha's Vineyard Regional High School head coach Donald Herman knew his team was going to face new...

In the end, it was a 12.48-pound false albacore hooked in the shallows off Memorial Wharf in Edgartown, and a 10.13-pound bonito snagged in 60-foot...
