In February, part three of Eyes on the Prize aired on HBO, and featured the work of several Vineyarders, including filmmaker Dawn Porter, composer John Forté and Martha's Vineyard Charter School student Fiona Brown.
In a new documentary that began filming in December, director Catherine Stewart and her crew of four will follow Shenandoah’s 61st sailing season, the boat's restoration process and the lives of her captains and sailors past and present.
A chance meeting at the Black Dog Tavern inspired documentary filmmaker Davis Guggenheim to make Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie, which premiered in May.
Oscar-winning documentary Navalny was initially screened at last year’s Sundance Film Festival, which was when seasonal Vineyarders Jim and Susan Swartz, Geralyn Dreyfous, and David and Nina Fialkow decided to get involved as executive producers.
In this 1970s documentary by John Dennehy, Vineyard fisherman and brothers David and Ed Willoughby go out on Cape Pogue and demonstrate how to drag for bay scallops.
Matthew Heineman's new documentary, Retrograde, follows both the Green Berets and the Afghanistan army in the lead-up and aftermath of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
The NHL spared no expense making a documentary short on the Vineyard high school boys hockey team, shipping over an entire five-person camera crew in the run-up to its season opener against off-Island rival Whitman-Hanson.
For director Jeffrey Wolf, the screening of his new documentary is the culmination of a journey that began in the 1980s when he first encountered the art of Bill Traylor.