The Martha’s Vineyard Boys and Girls Club is seeking permission to build a nearly 22,000-square-foot clubhouse in Edgartown as the organization runs out of room at its current campus.
The Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club will be able to deepen its commitment to providing members with meals cooked on site with fresh ingredients thanks to the generosity of Jerry and Alice Jacobs.
Martha’s Vineyard Boys and Girls Club executive director Dhakir Warren is headed back to his former workplace, Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, where he previously led the guidance and counseling staff before taking the club job in 2021.
With a capacity of just 100 people and an increasing demand for its services, the Martha’s Vineyard Boys and Girls Club has outgrown its current facility. Now an ambitious plan to expand the clubhouse seems within reach.
On March 2, the federal government issued the last of its pandemic SNAP allotments, but a $1.3 million grant to the Martha's Vineyard Community Foundation is helping keep Islanders fed.
Competition will come second to community at the first annual Boys and Girls Jamboree basketball tournament this Saturday, hosted by the Martha's Vineyard Boys and Girls Club.
The weather outside may be frightful, but that didn't stop a group of Vineyarders from taking a dip in the cold waters off State Beach on Saturday to raise money for the boys and girls club.