The progress pride flag will fly from the Oak Bluffs town hall as planned next month, but a new policy will set strict rules for the future about non-governmental flags being flown from town properties.
At the first in-person regular select board meeting in two years Tuesday night, Oak Bluffs christened the newly renovated town hall’s meeting room with the appointment of a new acting harbor master.
The LGBTQ+ progress pride flag will fly over Oak Bluffs for two weeks in June to coincide with pride month, following a select board discussion Tuesday.
Gail Barmakian’s close win on election night for Oak Bluffs select board stands after Monday morning’s recount confirmed her victory over Dion Alley with a recount vote of 505-503.
Chilmark’s proposed alternative funding formula for the regional high school, while endorsed by Edgartown, has found no traction with Oak Bluffs officials.
Ending a 35-year career in law enforcement with the town, Oak Bluffs police chief Erik Blake will retire at the end of June, the select board announced Tuesday night.
The select board threw a monkey wrench into the latest effort to jump start a feasibility study for a new high school, declining to sign a joint letter to the Massachusetts School Building Authority.