Kathie Case
The highlight of my New Year's Eve was watching Anderson Cooper take tequila shots.
Kathie Case
We took a drive around Katama and saw the ocean from the road.
Kathie Case
On Sunday it was shorts, tank top and flip flops. On Monday it was jeans, long-sleeved shirt, flip flops optional.


It has not been as hot as I thought it was going to be, but it is still warm and everyone is enjoying the weather.

How can we complain about the weather that we have been enjoying? Warm days, cool nights and beautiful blue skies.

After days of watching the TV and following closely the path of Dorian, we were very thankful he went out to sea.

I won’t talk about the weather here because at this time the Bahamas are getting a beating from Dorian and all of our thoughts and prayers are with them.

I know some of us are very happy with the cooler weather that has come to us this week. I think it is more that we are all happy that the humidity is down. I love that you can wear long sleeves or short and be comfortable in both. Now let see what next week brings.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Anna Rodrigues who celebrated August 24, Penelope Thornton on August 25, Cali Grow and Dani Grow on August 26, Rayssa Donato and Zakery Perry on August 28, and to Ana Costa and Connor Graves who celebrated August 29.

I will only repeat what I have heard all week from people and that is that we have had enough of this heat.
