Students at Falmouth Academy studied some fascinating stuff and presented it at their recent Science and Engineering Fair.
Do you ever feel like you've over-scheduled yourself and nothing you've committed to has gone quite according to plan?
I think back to the days of old man Lenny Jason pulling up a chair at the Texaco and, in his deep booming voice, telling stories.
Congratulations to seasonal Prospect Hill-er Sarah Levy, who has been awarded the Legal Services Award.
We typically hear about the more-established adult artists but occasionally there are children in town who deserve a little recognition, too.
On Feb. 15, we celebrate the 90th birthday of former Chilmark columnist Jane Slater.
Last Friday evening I stood by myself in the Menemsha parking lot and snapped a photo of the Texaco and empty lot.
Quite often, my dear friend Carl Leaf and I would sit a spell on Squid Row.
I guess her name was Izzy and she barreled up the eastern seaboard, wreaking havoc locally by churning up and raging the seas.