Chilmark has literally been in a fog all week, with some heavy showers along the way. All our open spaces are very green now, with turkeys on display in most fields and deer everywhere even during daylight hours.
Chilmark’s annual spring town meeting drew a crowd on Monday last with approximately 250 voters turning out for a long night of discussion and voting on town government.
Chilmark is enduring Stella as I write midweek. She was reported to be a mega-snowstorm but appears to be a windy rainy day that is destroying remnants of the snows of last week.I am sure the spring flowers that were seduced into sprouting early are enjoying the rinse off.
Chilmark has been shivering this week with temperatures more normal for February than March. The spring flowers seem to take the sudden freeze in stride and are still colorful.
Chilmark is enjoying what, in today’s language, might be called a fake spring. But, fake or not, we are happy with warm temperatures and early flowers.
Chilmark continues the slow push toward spring in spite of blizzards and near blizzards. The Ganz family on North Road was happy to report that the witch hazel trees at Hollyholm are in full bloom.