When I was a kid, the Chappy ferry ramps were made of a dozen thick wooden planks bolted to a couple of cross pieces that formed the shape of a bold letter H.
If you were wondering about the high tide that flooded the approaches to the Chappy ferry a couple of Saturdays ago for no obvious reason you are not alone.
Chappy has felt a bit busier and brighter over the past week as lights went up at a few houses and families gathered to take part in the festivities of Christmas in Edgartown.
The winter schedule on the Chappy Ferry begins on Sunday, Oct. 20 with an increase in service hours. That is, weather permitting, the ferry will begin operation at 6:30 a.m. and operate continuously until 10 p.m., then again from 11 to 11:15 p.m.
Also, beginning on Sunday, Oct. 20, only one ferryboat will be in service. Expect the vehicle waiting line to be longer during the normally busy times. If you remove your trailer hitch there may be just enough additional room on the ferry for your neighbor to get aboard.