Vineyard Gazette

Edgartown Town Column

Manuel Swartz, the well-known boat builder, near Steamboat Wharf, has just built for Capt. Manuel Sylvia, of Nantucket, a fine large cat-boat, which is to be named the “Helen,” and will be sailed by Capt. Sylvia. The boat was measured by the custom-house here this week and is 30.8 long; breadth 13.6; depth 4.5, and is to be equipped with a 10 h. p. Victor gasoline engine, and all modern gear. The boat is in every respect a fine product of the boat-builder’s art.

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The Cottagers Club Has Been Active in Charity

The Cottagers Club, a charitable organization now well entrenched in its second active year, held its final meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Alfred Tynes of Boston, where officers were elected for the summer of ‘58.

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“Cottagers” Aid Drive for Hospital at Bluffs

The Cottagers Club ended its first active season, well pleased with its donations to the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital auxiliary and the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital as its first charitable ventures.

The Cottagers Club came into tentative being last summer when a group of friends decided to direct some of their combined energies toward some unselfish enterprise beneficial to Island charities. This summer at the first official meeting the enthusiasm was contagious, and thirty-eight members now comprise the active list of the cottagers.

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Island Public Charter School Wins Permission for Expansion
Vineyard Gazette

The Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School has recieved written approval from the Martha's Vineyard Commission (MVC) to add a 36 by 32-foot classroom to its existing facility; a building permit from the town is expected to follow within the next two weeks.

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Sale of the Marine Hospital Is Reported

It is credibly reported that the U. S. Marine Hospital property in Vineyard Haven has been sold to the Boston Seaman’s Friend Society, the sale having been consummated within the past week. Attempts to reach the Boston office of the society yesterday to confirm the transaction were unavailing. It has been known for some time that the society was interested in the property, and that committees have visited it several times, with a view to reporting on various details.

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Marine Hospital Sale Verified

Verification of the sale of the Marine Hospital, Vineyard Haven, to the Boston Seaman’s Friend Society, as reported by the Gazette last week, was made early this week by the General Services Administration in Washington, D. C. The price was $18,000.

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Hospital Sale Impends

The sale of the U.S. Marine Hospital property, so-called, in Vineyard Haven, to the St. Pierre School, by the Boston Seaman’s Friend Society, appears to be in the process of becoming effective at the present time according to Henry Corey, Oak Bluffs attorney, who is handling the legal part of the transaction for the New Bedford Institution for Savings.

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St. Pierres Would Offer Summer School Facilities

The possibility of an active and duly accredited summer school on the Island, together with provisions for private tutoring by local teachers, has been proposed by Mr. and Mrs. J. Raoul St. Pierre, of the St. Pierre School Inc. of Boston and the Vineyard. Brought before the Island superintendent of schools, Charles E. Downs, and the regional school principal, Charles A. Davis, the proposal is being explored.

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Main Street Changes

Vincent’s Paper Store in Vineyard Haven, for generations a landmark at the corner of Main and Center streets, is about to be moved to the Call Block, so called, the location of the summer shop known as Ken-Ward. Anthony Oliver, managing owner, announced the date for removal this week, as of Dec. 1. It was no surprise locally, as the new location has been in process of being readied for some weeks.

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Old Landmarks

Among the old landmarks of Vineyard Haven, the most interesting one is the old mill; first built “up island,” then moved to Edgartown, and finally to Vineyard Haven to the spot where Association Hall now stands. Later, it was purchased by Dea. Tristram Luce and moved to the land where Capt. Owen Tilton’s house now stands. In 1883 it was purchased by Col. Carey and retained its individuality till 1886, when Major Carey had it moved to its present position; and it’s now a component part of the Major’s cottage, - and the old mill has lost its identity.

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