Vineyard Gazette

Old Tivoli Building Is Now Creative Arts Center

The Creative Arts Committee of Oak Bluffs is now featuring a well rounded cultural and social program for all school-age children in the Tivoli Building.

Through the help of specialists vacationing on Island, the following program is available for young members:

Swimming lessons twice a week under the able tutorship of Mrs. Madelon Stent, educational instructor at Columbia University; Mrs. Connie Koefoed, New York city Board of Education instructor; and Bill Julian, well known sportsman from New York.

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Too “young” Now for Arctic Exploration, He Was With Peary on 8 Expeditions, Raised Flag at Pole

Matthew A. Henson, who is visiting the Powell family in Oak Bluffs for a few weeks, proclaims with twinkling eyes that he is too young now to go on Arctic explorations. He accompanied Admiral Peary on eight expeditions, was the first man to arrive at the North Pole and to raise the American flag there. He received an honorary degree of master of science from Morgan University in Baltimore ten years ago, and from Howard University in Washington this year. He also received an engraved watch this year from the Explorers Club in New York.

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Recalls Pole Discovery: Matthew Henson, Former Island Visitor, Recalls Momentous Day

A few summers ago the Vineyard, and particularly Oak Bluffs, was host to one of the most notable figures in the world of exploration, Matthew A. Henson, who watched Comdr. Robert E. Peary stake out his claim to the North Pole. It was not until many years after that world-shaking event of forty years ago that Henson’s true place in the picture won general acceptance and his heroism on the icy journey became widely known.

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Woman’s Suffrage

Mrs. W. O. Pinkham is to speak next Sunday in Edgartown, before the Men’s Club at the Congregational church in the afternoon on Suffrage, and in the evening at the regular church meeting at which she will speak upon “The Relation of Religion to Suffrage.”

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Kivie Kaplan Is Again on Project in the South

Kivie Kaplan, national president of the N.A.A.C.P., who was recently vacationing in Vineyard Haven, took off on July 29 for a five day trip to New Orleans for the association’s Louisiana summer project in which more than a hundred volunteers from all over the country, boys and girls, Negro and white, will work from one to five weeks, paying their own expenses. A few will come from other countries.

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It is very much to be deplored that the subject of slavery in our country has become such a paramount interest in politics, as nearly to drive away from consideration other topics of general political interest, which the welfare of the country demands to be up for discussion. We ought now to take measures to remedy the present financial crisis and business embarrassment, and adopt measures to guard in the future against similar disasters.

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Oak Bluffs

Harry T. Burleigh, the composer, who recently returned from a three months’ trip abroad, on which he was accompanied by his son, has arrived to spend the remainder of the summer at Oak Bluffs. He is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Shearer at their summer home on Vineyard Highlands.

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Open Door Club Holds Open House for Employers

Many of the employers who have been interested in the progress of the Open Door Club in Edgartown, which provides a pleasant place as a recreational center for their employees, were given a tea on Thursday by the members of the club. The affair was a great success.

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The Vineyard’s Senator: Edward W. Brooke, Oak Bluffs Summer Resident, Wins Saltonstall Seat

Edward W. Brooke of Newton and Oak Bluffs became the first African American ever elected to the United States Senate by a popular vote.

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Passed Their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary

On the 2d of the present month occurred the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Capt. and Mrs. William A. Martin, well-known residents of Chappaquiddick. Mrs. Martin was before her marriage Sarah G. Brown, daughter of Abram Brown, and as Sarah Martin has been long and favorably known to our townspeople and also to many of our summer residents.

Capt. Martin has been a paralytic for the past seven years, and is now practically helpless, and for this reason no special celebration of the fiftieth wedding anniversary was made at the time.

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