Members of the Oak Bluffs zoning board of appeals made the right decision in upholding their town building inspector’s order that a series of illegal...
The mercury shot up this week on the thermometer that radio station WMVY has posted to measure its fundraising progress. At press time yesterday the...
Bundle up. That was the watchword this week when temperatures plunged into the single digits at night and never climbed out of the teens during the...
In the middle of the night my son Hardy yells for me. He is eight, and usually at least one of his parents immediately appears by his bedside if he...
I’ve been granted my wish for winter snow — albeit accompanied by temperatures of 10 to 12 degrees midweek. That was what the thermometer...
While watching the Ken Burns Dust Bowl documentary on PBS recently, it occurred to me that there are some strong parallels between the Dust Bowl of...
With the snowfall on the night of Jan. 21, I was a bit slow getting out to feed Thunder the next morning. I had defrosted the hummingbird feeder...
Regional high school English department chairman Dan Sharkovitz has been featured in the fall 2012 edition of The New England Association of Teachers...
My last letter to the Gazette was sent many years ago in opposition to the effort to rename the town of Oak Bluffs. However, a recent article has...
My last letter to the Gazette was sent many years ago in opposition to the effort to rename the town of Oak Bluffs. However, a recent article has...
On behalf of Adult and Community Education of Martha’s Vineyard (ACE MV), we want to express our deep gratitude to the Martha’s Vineyard Family...
From Feb. 6, 1948 article by Joseph Chase Allen: It is probable that not in many a year has a winter excited so much comment as the present one, and...
