A Generation on the Market
Lyme Epidemic The night sweats, the fever, the bullseye rash: the symptoms of Lyme disease are all too familiar to people on Martha’s Vineyard,...
In a room behind the teller line at the Edgartown National Bank is a door into a 10-by-6-foot structure. It looks like an ordinary wood frame door...
School enrollment on the Island remains relatively flat with last year, according to a census released this week. The school census is done each...
Hillside Hires Manager Leslie Digby Rizza has been appointed site manager at Hillside Village, a unit of Island Elderly Housing. Leslie previously...
The state has responded to Island road maintenance concerns in a rather unusual way: it wants to hand the work over to the Vineyard. At a meeting...
Last week the Oak Bluffs police department received a $275,058 grant from the Department of Justice to rehire for three years an officer who was...
Announcing Helena Renata Goncalves and Gilmar Goncalves Barbosa of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a daughter, Helena da Silva Goncalves, born on...
Fire When Ready On Saturday, Oct. 9, the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club will hold its 2010 large and small caliber pistol club championships...
On Wednesday afternoon, nine students with the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center religious school helped deliver 113 bags of groceries to the Island...
Bernstein Hanjian
Last year Island Food Pantry director Armen Hanjian had, in his own words, “one really good idea.” And on Sunday, Oct. 17, Vineyarders will be able...
Correction In a story about last week’s Oak Bluffs selectmen’s meeting a quote about the prospect of installing parking meters along Ocean Park...
