Singing the Stories Ulali, the Native American a cappella singing group. has performed nearly everywhere: the Smithsonian’s Folkways 50th...
This week Island swimmers were greeted by the three worst words a vacationer can read: CLOSED NO SWIMMING. While sharks have garnered the regional...
As a four-piece horn band serenaded the crowd to the tune of America the Beautiful yesterday morning, kids hurried over to the booth to buy ride...
Driver’s Safety Class An AARP driver’s safety class is offered on Tuesday, August 24, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Tisbury Senior Center. Melvin...
A free educational seminar on multiple sclerosis (MS) will be held Monday, August 23, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Howes House, on State Road...
Uncovering Carnal Knowledge Carnal knowledge is a legal euphemism for sexual intercourse. It is also the title of a movie made in 1971 that...
The second annual Martha’s Vineyard Dog Parade is August 22 at 6:30 p.m. in Oak Bluffs’ Ocean Park, and its slogan is Welcome Back Bo, for First...
Smooth Jazz Enjoy an evening of contemporary chamber jazz in Vineyard Haven on Sunday, with a new jazz ensemble consisting of professional...
All Islanders are invited to the Yale Day in the Sun at the Harbor View Hotel and Resort on August 21. Organizers promise an afternoon of...
The same proportion of white people as black smoke marijuana. So why are the incarceration rates for black dope smokers many times higher? Why...
Alienated and impoverished young African Americans are being recruited to radical Islam, and could yet produce black America’s version of 9/11, a...
The U.S. Coast Guard is still interviewing witnesses in the investigation of last month’s fire that destroyed the Menemsha boathouse, and spokesmen...
