JOHN S. ALLEY 508-693-2950 (
The Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club will host its 16th annual Fly Rod Striped Bass Catch and Release Tournament this weekend, June 5 and 6....
Federal Forum Cong. Bill Delahunt will host an informational forum on the Vineyard today to discuss the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s rural...
Three men, two from the Vineyard and one from Bourne, were charged with rape and indecent assault last week following an incident in early April...
Menemsha may have a new lunch option this summer, after the Chilmark selectmen approved an innkeeper and common victualler’s license for Dennis...
At a special town meeting Tuesday, West Tisbury voters will consider whether to spend money to hire a part-time administrative assistant in the...
Spirituals by the Shelves James (Jim) Thomas, president of the U.S. Slave Song Project Inc., will direct the Spirituals Choir in performance on...
By MEGAN DOOLEY The search for a new assistant principal at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will continue, after the school officials...
They studied ancient Roman attire, wrote a series of memoirs, documented leaving the family business for the first time and excelled in photography...
Health Plan Options Massachusetts residents with health insurance through the Commonwealth Care health insurance program can change their health...
HOLLY NADLER 508-274-2329 ( Location, location, location equals Lemonade, Becca Rogers’s new accessories boutique, just...
NANCY GARDELLA 508-693-3308 ( Welcome to the Island, Ashley Sheping! Ashley’s folks have had a home here for 30 years;...
