Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº April 30 62 36 .00 May 1 69 57 .00 May 2 73 52 .00 May 3 68 54 .04 May 4 71 54 .15 May 5 79...
JANE N. SLATER 508-645-3378 (slaterjn@comcast.net) Chilmark welcomes the flowering trees of spring. A ride around town includes views of pink,...
KATHIE CASE 508-627-5349 (kathleencase@comcast.net) Well, how can we complain about our weather? I know there have been some showers here and...
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court appointed Martin V. Tomassian of Edgartown to a five-year term on the board of directors of the...
Drawbridge Plans Preliminary plans for the permanent Lagoon Pond drawbridge will be on display in the offices of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission...
Amid ongoing financial problems in Oak Bluffs, a group of town business leaders has proposed moving the police department from its current...
New charges of rape and abuse have been brought against Vineyard Haven resident Peter Duart, who was indicted by a grand jury last month for sexual...
By the start of next school year, Island students could see a hefty price cut for off-Island trips, if the school committee approves a new pay...
Oak Bluffs voters on Tuesday finished their annual town meeting after a three-week hiatus, easily agreeing to ban smoking on town beaches, regulate...
Tisbury firefighters quickly extinguished a fire outside 54 Main street on Sunday evening that started in a trash can behind the building. Owned by...
NANCY GARDELLA 508-693-3308 (vhavenvgazette@yahoo.com) A sure sign of spring — last week I found the first tick in my hair! The dogs, cat and I...
HOLLY NADLER 508-274-2329 (hollynadler@gmail.com)
