Hello, Tauras Ellen and Tauras Biskis of Chilmark announce the birth of a son, Tauras Kasiulis, born on Dec. 22, 2009, at the Martha’s Vineyard...
The Real King Kong
Robert C. Hayden, president of the Martha’s Vineyard branch of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), was...
Wine, Beer Sales On Tuesday, Gov. Patrick signed legislation allowing the Tisbury board of selectmen to place the question of whether or not the...
American Tower Company, the concern that wants to build a distributed antenna system (DAS) to improve cell phone coverage in the three up-Island...
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival’s Family. Film. Feast. series continues this holiday weekend at the Chilmark Community Center with Why Wait?, a...
The wall calendar that hangs beside the kitchen telephone, or on the wall behind the home office desk, is a dutiful thing. First and foremost, it...
Post-Apocalyptic Prep School
Holiday Library Hours Ready to check out a book you didn’t get as a Christmas gift? Here are the holiday hours at your Island libraries:...
At the Animal Shelter of MVThe dogs were barking with great glee,And the cats were purring to beat the band,For they sensed, in the air, that...
Light in Darkness From earlier Christmas editions of the Gazette: Chickadess perch on each wreath Of greenery and underneath The rabbits...
Nancy died in seventy-three She was only twenty-three She was a gamer She was a good one
