Corrections In an interview in Tuesday’s Gazette with John Potter and Todd Alexander, there was a mention about the young sailors’ sailing...
Vineyard Horse Council Announces Summer Shows The Martha’s Vineyard Horse Council has announced its summer schedule of hunter and dressage shows...
They’re back! The humongous Aqua Velva pond lilies, indigenous only to Menemsha Pond, have arrived on schedule bringing joy to the intrepid racing...
Robert M. Sawyer of Vineyard Haven recently participated in a meeting of real estate experts to update the state licensing exam for real estate...
Wins Accreditation The Better Business Bureau of Eastern Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island and Vermont recently accredited DP Canha Appliance and...
Sailing already is getting under way this summer. The Vineyard Haven Yacht Club is observing its 80th summer. The Edgartown Yacht Club is hosting...
At the southern end of the tidal waterway called the Lagoon, which has shores in both Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs, is a property which is home to...
Almost 3,200 buildings on the Vineyard sit on land which could be inundated by the storm surge of a category four hurricane. Even a category one...
Land Bank Revenue Graph
The real estate bust has cut sharply into the revenue of the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank for a second successive year, with land bank income more...
Rising sea level changes, together with changing geology, may be preventing the breach at Norton Point Beach from closing, according to a National...
On the Fourth of July a couple of centuries back, the United States was founded on compromise, taking the good with the not so good. It’s...
It wasn’t long ago that the price of a gallon of gasoline on the Vineyard reached the $2 mark for the first time, sending shock waves from Menemsha...
