A dragon created by art and technology teacher Paul Brisette and his art students at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will fly high and...
A new draft request for proposals (RFP) to improve up-Island cell phone service is complete, but first the three towns that are involved must sign...
Champion golfer Ernie Els will headline the golf offerings at this year’s Possible Dreams Auction, the charitable fund-raising event that benefits...
Leaving How can I bear to leave this place, take the next boat out into the harbor, pass the buoy, toss a penny into the water for a return...
The Internet has been around for approx i mately four decades, but a team of Stanford University experts says it’s broken. It’s now in the midst of...
Unfortunate License The very thought that walking down a Vineyard beach and casting a fishing line into the ocean will require a license would...
Public Safety Alert: Children at Play In one more sign of the changing season, today is the last day of school for most Island public schools (the...
Vineyard woodlands are full of delicate pink lady’s slippers, the striking native wild orchids that grow here. In some places hundreds of lady’s...
The federal Minerals Management Service has received an unprecedented 40,000-plus public comments on the draft environmental impact statement for...
PARKING JUSTICE Editors, Vineyard Gazette: Last weekend  provided two different aspects of life on the Island: delight — and dismay. On...
All the Social News From the Vineyard Gazette editions of June, 1908: Those from Edgartown, in all numbering twenty-three, who attended the...
Four people escaped serious injury when a helicopter crashed into the sea off Lake Tashmoo about 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Police said engine failure was the...
