Edgartown native Emily Hartford is nominated for a New York Innovative Theatre Award for outstanding ensemble for her work in The Night of...
David Lebedoff is a Minneapolis attorney, political figure and writer known for provocative thinking. In the interest of full disclosure, he is...
Jamestown and Captain Bartholmew Gosnold, the Buried Truth, is the title of a free talk by archaeologist William Kelso on Thursday, August 7, from...
Bass Talks Side Effects Pulitzer Prize nominee Alison Bass will discuss her book Side Effects: A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower and a Bestselling...
In 1954, Budd Schulberg wrote his Academy Award-winning screenplay for On the Waterfront. Now 94, the writer and playwright traveled from Menemsha...
Ellen Liman has long had a love affair with Martha’s Vineyard — in particular with Vineyard beaches, Vineyard Sound and Vineyard flowers. But her...