The Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center’s Summer Institute returns Thursday, July 6 with its first speaker of the season, Maryland's Democratic...

The centerpiece of the Fourth of July weekend festivities is, of course, the Edgartown parade, where floats of all sights and sizes strut their stuff...

If the manufacture of oil paints were to stop, how could an artist continue to paint?

Providence psychiatrist Henry Farber is the narrative focus of Death of the Great Man, the new novel by Peter Kramer.

In his lighthearted new book, Mocha Mott's co-owner Tim Dobel proposes a new set of rules for golf that he hopes will remind readers to maintain a...

In her 30-year career, Jean Stone has written upwards of 24 novels, more than a third of which are set on the Vineyard. The reason, she said, goes...


Arts Briefs

The first Artisans Festival of the season moves into the Grange Hall in West Tisbury, on Saturday, May 28 and Sunday May 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Fine art photographer Libby Ellis of Edgartown had six photographs included in a juried exhibit at the Saatchi Gallery in London.

The Martha's Vineyard Film Festival has announced its 22nd annual festival will take place Wednesday, May 18 through Sunday, May 22.
