Jack Schimmelman, executive producer and director of the opera-in-progress, 1854, will lead a community discussion focusing on issues that inspire...

A DJ will spin the records for middle schoolers at Alex’s Place at the YMCA on Friday, Jan. 9, from 7 to 10 p.m. at a dance party especially for...

Comic books have their place, even at the library. If you’re nine or older, join Daniel Cooney at the West Tisbury library on Wednesday, Jan. 14.

Author Demaris Wehr discusses her new book, Making It Through: Bosnian Survivors Telling Stories of Truth, on Tuesday, Jan. 13, from 7 to 8:30 p.m....

It’s like mother, like son when Willy Mason and Jemima James flex their musical muscles on stage at the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse on Thursday, Jan...

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Center opens its lobby to display Island artists’ work again in 2015.
