David Welch Art Show Photographer David Welch is the featured artist for the month of March at the Vineyard Haven Public Library’s Art of the...

Body Talk Good for your body and your soul — that’s the theme this month at Curves of Vineyard Haven, where a donation to the food pantry not only...


Dan Waters set the scene with a medley of Brazilian songs, Valci Carvalho shared stories of adapting to Vineyard life and Bruno Oliveira provided...

Herbal Tea Talk Some think green beer for St. Patrick’s day. Others go for a spot of tea. If you’re in the latter camp, head to the Bunch of...

Boston Flower Show This year there was not much winter to speak of and already some flowers and blossoms are popping up around the Island. But the...

Contemplative Retreat On Saturday, March 10, Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven is holding mini-retreat on contemplative living and...
