Build a Book Teenagers have all the fun. It’s not enough that the young adult book genre has become the go-to read for adults (Harry Potter, The...

Civil War Poetry On March 14 at 7 p.m., the Vineyard Haven Public Library hosts the Martha’s Vineyard Poetry Society’s presentation of Civil War...

Alberto de Almar

Alberto de Almar, Friday night at the Pitstop in Oak Bluffs. The notes came off his guitar in a flurry, his hands a blur — Flamenco — throbbing,...


Short Stuff Shakespeare, Big Fun Cowardly braggarts, stuffy old men, soldiers in funny hats speaking nonsense, devious ingenues, elegant...

Lindsey Scott, Molly Coogan, Anna Merhalski, Thomas Bena, Brian Ditchfield, Brooke Ditchfield,

When speaking with Thomas Bena, the founder and creative director of the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, there is no hesitation when he talks about...

Truda Silberstein

Last Sunday at Featherstone Center for the Arts, visitors watched a claymation video where two balls of clay magically morphed into dancers...
