Learn Reiki The Yoga Barn is hosting workshops with Libby Barnett, MSW and reiki master. Reiki I is Saturday, April 30, from 2 to 8 p.m. and Reiki...

Edartown restaurant Chesca’s in association with Cakes by Liz, Sweet E’s Cupcakes in Vineyard Haven, and Sweet Life Café in Oak Bluffs will be...

“Each food item in a typical U.S. meal has traveled an average of 1,500 miles,” writes Steven L. Hopp, Barbara Kingsolver’s husband, in the first...


If the walls at Nectar’s could talk, or sing for that matter, they would share an intricate story of rock and roll, blues, folk, hip-hop, reggae...

Like your tiles more exotic than Scrabble? Join the mahjong games at the Vineyard Haven Public Library on the last Saturday of each month — mark...

Max Eagan has been appointed executive chef at the restaurant at Lambert’s Cove Inn, with a new menu and a newly decorated dining room. He will...
