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By LYNNE IRONS I can’t remember a year when I grew so many tomatoes. I have painted myself into a corner. Wasting food is among my least desirable...

By LYNNE IRONS There is a Paul Simon song with the following lyric: “Why am I soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?” The...

By LYNNE IRONS I spent some time last weekend following the near-nonstop coverage of the fifth-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Then, in...

beds of potatoes and squash

As the last week of August and first week of September are upon us, there is no getting around the crisp smell of soil in the air, the slight crunch...

marie scott

On a recent afternoon, when the skies had finally cleared and the earth was beginning to soak up five days worth of rain, Marie Scott emerged out...

By LYNNE IRONS A few weeks ago, a story was told on NPR of a man with a persistent cough. Fearing the worst, he scheduled a doctor’s visit. An x-...
