
climate change

The bright planet in the western sky, Venus, will dominate the skies through the remainder of the winter. This weekend is an ideal time to enjoy our...


By LYNNE IRONS My chickens have not given me an egg in almost a month. I have a small flock — one elderly rooster, 11 assorted hens and three...

Las Vegas is not in my near future or recent past, but I did win big with an auspicious invitation to a special new year’s day dinner. It is not...

Whoa, Vineyard birders have quite a challenge ahead of them. The Nantucket Christmas Bird Count was conducted last weekend and the unofficial total...

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Dec. 24 42 22 Trace Dec. 25 55 41 .25 Dec. 26 47 30 .00 Dec. 27 47 35 .02 Dec. 28 52 46 .02...

Mercury is one of the most difficult visible planets to spot, always close to the glare of the sun. In the week ahead there is a rare opportunity to...
