
climate change


Eeeep-Eeeep! As I make my way down the trail winding through the Aquinnah highland forest, the strange call repeats itself. Eeeep-Eeeep! I...

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Nov. 7 68 53 .08 Nov. 8 59 58...

The two brightest planets in our evening sky, are now appearing together. For those with a good view of the western sky, Venus and Jupiter are a...

bay scallop bounty

The Vineyard bay scallop season is underway and the news is mostly good for local consumers and commercial fishermen alike. Chilmark is having one...

leaf blower

By LYNNE IRONS We have had a series of what the Irish call soft days — warm, foggy, misty and calm. It has been pleasurable to work outdoors. We...

It is a killer. Not a lady killer, but a livestock killer. The common names of Kalma angustifolia say it all; sheepkill, lambkill and calfkill....
