
climate change

For a sign of autumn in the night sky look at next week’s full moon. Monday night’s harvest moon appears in the zodiacal constellation Pisces. The...

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Sept. 5 80 67 .00 Sept. 6 82 68 .29 Sept. 7 79 69 .59 Sept. 8 83 58 .00 Sept. 9 80 60 .00...

Moonshine On Monday there will be a full harvest moon. Hopefully the sky will be clear so the moon can be seen in all its glory. Ordinarily, the...


This lion won’t roar, but it could be considered king of the insect jungle. Antlions are neither true ants nor are the little bugs lions. In...

Western Kingbird

I really wowed her with my aerial flight and super sputtering call. Sometimes I get dizzy flying that zig zag pattern, but it gets me a mate every...

Palin moose

By LYNNE IRONS Let me get a couple of business items out of the way. I hate it when I tell a lame joke and no one gets it but me. To wit: last...
